I think there are times in our lives when things happen to give us a reality check. I'm a strong believer that everything happens for a reason. That we learn little lessons from every mistake, every person, and every little instance that may seem minuscule thing that happens. You may hurt worse that you ever have, crying in bed, feeling lost and not knowing what to do when you think your heart is too heavy to get out of the fetal position in your bed. You could be on cloud 9 with the job of your dreams, family that loves you unconditionally, great friends in every social circle, and your heart is so full of happiness you almost think it's unfair to have it this great. It could take one night, a single text, 30 seconds or 30 days, but things change. These highs and lows make you stop for a second and evaluate things. Who am I really right now? Is this who I want to be? How do other people see me? Why did I get here? What am I doing at this point in my life? We go through our day to day lives and it seems like things just all of a sudden fall into our laps. You have to stop and take a look around at what is causing these things, and who is that person inside that is making it happen.
It hurts, it sucks, you ask yourself why? Well, chances are there is a lesson behind it, and there is a reason. So stop and ask yourself, how did I wind up in this position? It had to be external, like the universe is plotting revenge on all of your happiness. But maybe it's something else. What I like to call an identity checkpoint. Once a month, once a year, every few years. Whenever you stop and think about the direction your life is going and the person that you're becoming, like really stop and think about it.
I'm graduating in May, where did college go? Things happen so fast you rarely stop to think how and why and who is behind the steering wheel driving your life. I had some time to reflect where I'm going and who I am, and if it was really what I wanted or if I just was living and it happened to me and I accepted it. The great thing is, if you don't like what's happening, or who you are, you can change it! What a concept.
So it may take a really hard decision, a lot of tears, or a moment of bliss, but take a minute, or quite a few and think about it. Stop at that checkpoint and use it to evaluate you as a person, to make sure you're going to like the person you become and be proud of who you are today.
Sometimes I write whole things like this and I'm not sure if they even make sense except to me. But at least I got it out.
Take care, and choose to be happy today.
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