Friday, August 31, 2012

Get your fix.

So I’ve decided I’m going on a mission. I want to try as many coffee shops in the Tempe area as possible. Fridays are my relaxed days where I only work one job and don’t have class, so I think I will make it my coffee hunting day. The bonus is, I’ll get my coffee, try it out, see the atmosphere, while at the same time bringing my homework and getting stuff done! Hooray! Sounds like a great idea, right? So I’m going to make a list, and start going as many Fridays, or non-Fridays, as I can.
First stop, Essence Bakery. Coffee and their infamous macaroons!
So here I am, at Essence bakery, getting an iced coffee and finishing my Finance homework. Can I just throw it out there that I love saying that I have finance homework, sounds like I’m so cool and business-like, right?! Anyways, I got some homework done and I’m about to delve into choosing one of their famous macaroons here. I don’t work for another few hours, and will be off in time to get dinner with the family. Sounds like a great day to me!
I need to find some that are open early, because my new thing is getting an early start- to work out, do homework, go to work- and there is so much more time in the day that way! Let’s see how this goes, one shop down… lots more to go! Wish me luck and sticking with it. And it just came to me, the perfect title, because every important thing in life needs a title, The Friday Fix. Like coffee fix, and I love alliteration, bonus!  


  1. Oh my goodness I have been meaning to try that place!! I was searching Phoenix high and low for a coffee shop that sold macarons and you should really try a place off Indian School Rd in Scottsdale called Scratch. Its pretty much adorable and they have the best macaron flavors and are each individually packaged. So cute! Ps I nominated you for the versatile blogger award over on my blog because you are amazing and go to ASU...had to through that in there. :) Have a great weekend!


  2. They are so good! I'll definitely have to try Scratch, it sounds perfect!!

    Awww, thanks so much girl! I'm so honored! I don't blog nearly as much as I'd like, but it definitely feels good to know someone's reading! :]
