I don't think we stop and think about what awesome people we are often enough. Preoccupied by all the things we have to do, things we don't have time for, people we're trying to impress we never take the time to think of all the things we're doing, how great we are, and all the people that are in our lives that already love us just who we are.
So the question came up in class, what makes you brave? If someone asked me if I was a brave person, I would generally say yes. But when posed with the question of what exactly makes my brave, it is hard to depict exactly what it is. When I think of my bravery, one main thing comes to mind. I'm not afraid to be exactly who I am.
I am lucky enough to be surrounded with people who accept and love me for exactly who I am, and I am completely accepting of the fact that I often talk too loud, get overly excited, make lame jokes, get most places on two wheels, wear really ridiculous things from thrift stores, and a whole list of goofy things. These things are what make me who I am, and instead of trying to change, I own it and accept that some people are going to get annoyed with my over-enthusiasm and loud voice, but that's alright, because I have more than a handful of people that love me for it- or at least put up with those characteristics because they love the person I am as a whole.
So I am brave. I accept the entire package that is me, and I'm more than proud to be Alex McEntire. Oh, and because I'm moving to Seattle to live in a brand new city where I know no one, that's pretty brave, too.
What makes you brave?