Saturday, February 15, 2014

Love day.

I've always actually liked Valentine's Day. Maybe because my parents spoiled me and it was another excuse to get presents and eat way too many sweets, and who didn't like making those little mail boxes out of milk cartons and passing out Valentines when they were little!? More recently it's become the most dreaded of the year for so many people with Pinterest and Facebook blowing up with statuses about dates with Netflix and eating chocolate alone wallowing in their singledom. I'm not gonna lie and say I've not participated in many a night like that, but I also like to celebrate the 14th of February in a more cheerful way. So maybe I haven't ever really had a real traditional Valentines (the one time I was actually in a relationship on VDay we spent the night at Olive Garden with my grandparents), but I'm not too upset about it. So maybe it's a Hallmark holiday and celebrated for all the wrong reasons, but hey the creators of Sweethearts need a paycheck, too! I think it's a day to celebrate all the love in your life, not reflecting on a lack of romantic love, but realizing all the other love that fills your life. My heart is so full of love and support and appreciation for family, friends, coworkers, and roommates and it's good to take a day and be like hey, I'm so lucky to have all this love!

Made heart-shaped cupcakes, then ate them for breakfast... because I can. 

So, let's celebrate love in all of its crazy awesome forms. Hug your roommates, call your mom, and high five your coworkers, 'cause life is awesome and they all get to join you in this fantastic journey.

Happy Valentines Day & Happy Birthday, Arizona.